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What is a Knox-Box or Key-Box and how do I order one?

   KNOX products allow immediate entry into commercial properties without forced entry damage or delay. Property owners store entrance keys, access cards, floor plans and contact information in high-security Knox-Boxes mounted near building entrances. Each Knox-Box purchased is keyed to a single master key controlled by the Chelsea Area Fire Authority (CAFA).

  CAFA also offers a low cost alternative for residential properties. You can purchase a small Key-Box from CAFA to place your keys in. CAFA secures your keys in the Key-Box and in case of an emergency we can gain access to your property without forced entry damage or delay. This is a great option for senior citizens who may be unable to unlock their door in case of a medical emergency or for anyone with fire alarm systems so that we can check the residence and reset the alarm system when the homeowner is away. CAFA will install the Key-Box for you at no charge. To download the Key-Box order form click HERE.

  For more information about Knox-Boxes/Key-Boxes or to place an order, contact CAFA at (734) 475-8755 or stop by the fire station between 8:00 am and 4:00 pm.



How do I order a Reflective Address Sign?

   The Chelsea Fire Fighters, Local 1889 offers highly visible (day or night) customized reflective address signs which may help save your life or someone you love. Signs are available in green or blue with white or yellow numbers.

  For more information about a reflective address sign or to place an order, contact CAFA at (734) 475-8755 or stop by the fire station between 8:00 am and 4:00 pm, or hover over the MENU button at the top of this page and click on the REFLECTIVE ADDRESS button. To download the reflective address sign order form click HERE.  Include your name, address, phone number, mounting preference (horizontal or vertical), sign color (green or blue) and number color (white or yellow). We will then make your sign and call you when it is ready to be picked up.



How do I obtain a burn permit?

   All residences located within CAFA's coverage area are required to obtain a no cost burn permit before burning. To obtain a burn permit, call (734) 475-1339. For addition local information click HERE. For Michigan Department of Natural Resources (DNR) information click HERE.



Where can I learn more about smoke and carbon monoxide (CO) alarms?

   CAFA recommends that every home has working smoke and carbon monoxide (CO) alarms. Smoke alarms should be replaced per the manufacturer's recommendations or every 10 years (whichever is sooner). Carbon monoxide (CO) alarms should be replaced per the manufacturer's recommendations or every five years (whichever is sooner). 



Why does both the Chelsea Area Fire Authority and Huron Valley Ambulance respond on medical emergencies?

   CAFA is certified at the basic life support level, with our personnel trained to at least basic Emrgency Medical Technician level. There is a private ambulance quarters in the City of Chelsea; however, the ambulance is not always located within the City of Chelsea. They run calls for service throughout Washtenaw and Jackson Counties. CAFA is staffed with fulltime firefighters/emergency medical technicians 24 hours a day 365 days a year, providing a quick response to all calls for service within our coverage area, including medical emergencies. When the ambulance arrives, CAFA personnel have already provided critical patient care benefiting the patient in many ways contributing to rapid transport, patient treatment/survivability, and recovery time.

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